Independent Artist Program

The Independent Artist program allows experienced circus artists to train at the centre at a reduced cost in return for their active participation in the circus community. The program offers the artist access to the SA Circus Centre for self directed training at approved times unavailable to the general public. The program is a wonderful opportunity for artists to connect and collaborate in a friendly and supportive circus community hub.

Pricing - $32.50 week

If you have a select period you are looking to train i.e. 3 weeks, you can pay the 3 weeks in a lump sum and you can train over that period.  With this option payment must be made in full prior to commencing training. If it is over a longer period (4+ weeks) you can set up a fortnightly Direct Debit plan which will be $65/fortnight. If you are here for only 1 or 2 weeks, payment can be made at the start of the week via Credit Card.

General Training Times (Approximate)

Training times may vary occasionally due to workshops and bookings. Training hours vary over the School Holidays, so you will need to call prior to coming in to ensure there will be staff here to lock up during the later evenings.

  • Monday 10am – 4pm
  • Tuesday 1pm – 4pm
  • Wednesday 1pm – 4pm
  • Thursday 10am – 4pm
  • Friday 1pm – 4pm
  • Saturday no training
  • Sunday no training

There are also a few conditions that you will need to agree to if you would like to take part in Independent Artist Training

  1. To qualify as an Independent Artist you will be required to meet with our Artistic Director who will discuss with you your current skill level

  2. You would need to hold current Personal Indemnity Insurance (we recommend to contact AON or Duck For Cover) and provide a current copy of the policy to our office

  3. If you are training with the Aerial Rig you must have a spotter

  4. Part of the conditions to use this space is that you must clean up after yourself and be aware that there are many others who utilise our facilities