We access truth, we build new versions of ourselves.

Our philosophy, our purpose
The circus artist has access to truths unavailable to other artists. Every circus artist holds, in their body, metaphors of the human story. The challenges, triumphs and risks central to any human life are illuminated in hyper realism before our eyes.
We are simultaneously drawn to and repelled by the circus. We see at once the image of the hero trying to escape gravity, as well as the fool who never will. We see ourselves. That is, our god-like ability to achieve unimaginable feats; and our own ultimate mortality. That we, too, are limited by gravity and time.
We are building an art form that talks to three levels of the brain. Our brain stem sparks with nervousness as we watch bodies jump, fly and fall. We see emotion in action as, we catch and lift each other in a culture of meaningful risk. Ultimately, we build new versions of ourselves, that tell new stories and relate to the world in fundamentally new ways.
More Guilty than the Poet
New acrobatic theatre accompanied by a selection of Franz Schubert’s Lieder.
"Why should the composer be more guilty than the poet who warms to fantasy by a strange flame, making an idea that inspires him the subject of his own very different treatment?"
The meta modern reframing of Thanatos and the romantic death wish. Death is no old grim reaper. Death is youthful, fair, and firm. The artists dance a visceral negotiation with death, bridging the profane and the unearthly pull to death’s sublime freedom. Described through music, dance, theatre and acrobatics, ‘More guilty than the poet’ shows a core paradox of being human, our simultaneous repulsion, and attraction, to our own ultimate mortality.
Directed by Joshua Hoare with Robert Macfarlane,
Tenor Robert Macfarlane, Fortepiano: Michael Ierace, Performers: Dylan Phillips, Lisa Goldsworthy, Tobiah Booth-Remmers, Mayu Muto.